
Graphic Designer

Create a comprehensive document that would contain every beverage that Lion holds within their Australia/New Zealand portfolio

Exploratory research, typography layout, infographics, icon design

Design tools
Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop

Lion Portfolio Wines
Lion Portfolio Beer

Lion is New Zealand’s leading beverage manufacturer and distributor, and needed a comprehensive document that contained information on every beverage in their portfolio.

I worked with one of the directors to define the needs of this document, and through the ideate process we decided that the document would give information on each beverage, the format that we sell it in, tasting notes, dietary notes, region it is made in, and price bracket.

This was a solo design project which needed to be created in time around my existing workflow. The information was provided through a google document that was updated each week with data that I needed to include.

Lion Portfolio

In order to complete this task I needed to be highly organised with my time, so that I could deliver this project on schedule and also be able to stay on top of the updated spreadsheet each week.

I developed a design system of icons and infographics to help break up the data heavy pages, and used exploratory research methods to find alternative ways to present information so that the finished product would be easy to understand and navigate for the user.

The finished book was implemented for use throughout the business. It was delivered on schedule and within budget, and the feedback from the director was incredibly positive as I was able to bring his idea to life.