Taste the Interesting Roll Fold

Graphic Designer

Develop and design an experiential campaign for 30+ Liquor King New Zealand stores

Pitch initial concepts, design & deliver print ready artwork and social campaign

Design tools
Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects

Taste the Interesting Roll Fold 2
Taste the Interesting Social

Liquor King New Zealand wanted to launch a campaign that would be disruptive and engaging for their consumers.

They had the Lion NZ internal design team pitch for the idea, as well as an external advertising agency. In the discovery phase I spent an hour ideating using a divergent approach to gather as many possible solutions as I could.

I then started to define my concept for the pitch and presented "Taste the Interesting". This concept was based on taking ingredients that may not normally seem to go together, and combine them to create something new and exciting.

I was then given the task of refining the initial concept into what would become a full campaign.

Taste the Interesting Lundia

The collateral that needed to be created included 3x sizes of lundia displays, a spinning wheel which would let consumers discover cocktail creations, posters, cocktail recipe menus, brochures and a social campaign.

Working as the solo designer on this project, I was able to have the Lion beer ambassador to create six cocktail recipes which would feature on the spinning wheel and be used throughout the campaign.

The deadlines for this project were tight as we had design, print and postage deadlines that needed to be met in order for this launch arrive in store on schedule.

The campaign ran for two months in Liquor King stores and performed succesfully with positive feedback from both corporate and store teams.